Handsome uniform! (You must be realistic) – short story

short stories

Handsome uniform! (You must be realistic)

From the Coptic Library
Book: Short Stories 1 (Abouna Tadros Yacoub)


It is said that after a fierce battle and arduous struggle, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte emerged victorious. The emperor wanted to reward some men of different nationalities who had played heroic roles on that day.

The emperor shouted proudly, saying, "Tell me, my brave men, what is your desire, and I will fulfill it for you!"

The Polish hero replied steadfastly, "To restore Poland's independence." The emperor responded, "So be it."

Then the poor Czechoslovakian peasant spoke up, saying, "I am a farmer; grant me a piece of land to cultivate." The emperor replied, "You shall have a piece of land, my comrade."

Next, the German said, "Grant me a bar to enjoy drinking beer." The emperor replied, "You shall have a bar."

Finally, it was the turn of the last soldier, and the emperor looked at him with a smile, saying, "What is your desire, my comrade?" With great shyness and hesitation, the soldier said, "To be pleasing in your eyes, my lord, grant me a handsome uniform!" The emperor was taken aback and shrugged his shoulders in surprise, saying, "Give this man a handsome uniform!"

The emperor then left, leaving the heroes surrounding the soldier, reproaching him, "What a fool you are! Can you imagine someone asking the emperor for a uniform? Is this how the emperor is treated?" The soldier responded confidently, "You will see who the real fool is! You ask for Poland's independence, a field, and a bar, things that the emperor will not grant you. As for me, I am realistic; I ask for a handsome uniform that might be given to me!"

And so the story ends, with the soldier who remained faithful to what he considered important, while others continue to insinuate that his request for a uniform was irrational. The story reflects the values of realism and moderation in desires and reminds us of the importance of respecting and appreciating others and their personal desires.

You must be realistic

Note: We did not provide a translation for a text using automatic translation in order to be able to provide an accurate and expressive translation of the original text as much as possible. Please pray for us, and we sincerely request your support.

NB :
We apologize for any errors or translation problems


short stories

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