About the Blessings of Acceptance and Endurance of Injustice – Father Daoud Lamei – From the Lessons of the Holy Book

"About the Blessings of Acceptance and Endurance of Injustice

NB :
We apologize for any errors or translation problems

Father Dawood Lamei says, "Christ was unjustly treated and was judged five times before Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod, and Pilate again. According to Roman and Jewish law, it was not permissible to try a person at night, yet Christ was sentenced at night without legal representation, and false charges were brought against Him. All people, including Jews and the nations represented by the Romans, participated in the killing of Christ. Even today, Christ continues to be mistreated as humans inflict cruelty upon one another, with the rich oppressing the poor. When God allows a painful experience for a person, they may feel that God is being unjust, despite God's plan for their salvation. Therefore, God continues to be unjust in the eyes of humans.

Father Dawood also says, 'He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth.' The term 'afflicted' means to submit to humiliation, although our Lord Christ is glorious and capable of destroying all those who mistreated Him. However, Christ chose to come during a time of injustice. Although some people experienced injustice and were wrongfully judged, there is no injustice comparable to what Christ endured because we, as humans, are not free from sin. On the contrary, Christ, the Lord of glory, is completely innocent of sin, yet He suffered the most agonizing death in history. The injustice He endured surpasses any injustice experienced by humans.

Therefore, anyone who suffers injustice and turns to Christ for solace finds comfort because Christ Himself experienced injustice and understands it better than anyone else. If there is no fair judge, we should follow Christ's example, remain silent, and let God take action.

If we encounter days filled with injustice, we lift our eyes to the cross and ask God to support and teach us to remain silent. Christ did not defend Himself because He knew they conspired against Him, and speaking would not change anything. However, history reveals the truth, for nothing remains hidden, and everything will be disclosed.

Father Dawood also mentions that humans become upset with the Lord because He does not give them what they desire, even though humans upset the Lord and do not fulfill His will. People continue to mistreat our Lord by blaspheming Him, denying His existence, mocking His words, and disregarding the Gospel and Christ. Despite His ability to destroy all those who oppose Him, our Lord remains silent. Instead, before being crucified, He loved those who crucified Him and said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.'

Father Dawood further states that when God allows us to experience injustice, we should stand and pray, saying, 'This is an honor for me to be counted as my Lord and to be treated unjustly like Him.' He clarifies that if speaking will be beneficial, we speak; otherwise, we remain silent and pray to our Lord.

When Christ was accused of being the ruler of demons, He defended Himself by saying that if Satan casts out Satan, his kingdom will be divided.

Father Dawood refers to the verse, 'He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth.' The repetition of the phrase 'He opened not His mouth' regarding Christ's glory is a sign of strength in silence. Before His voluntary death, Christ gave us eternal life.

Note: We did not provide a translation for a text using automatic translation in order to be able to provide an accurate and expressive translation of the original text as much as possible. Please pray for us, and we sincerely request your support.


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